
Berbank Homes became one of Britain's newest property development companies in 2008 and very quickly began work on a 92 house project in Stanion, Northamptonshire - creating a very tight schedule of work.

BRANDING, LOGO & STATIONERY. The design and artwork of their logo, design, artwork and print of Letterheads, Complement Slips, Business Cards, Presentation Folders - over a 4 week period.

SITE MATERIAL. The design, artwork and overseeing production of the Site Hoardings, Various Banners (Sales Centre, Information Signage, Visitor's Parking, Directional, Maxi-stacks) Flags, and Plot signage - over a 6 week period.

SITE STATIONERY. The design, artwork and print management of 17 A4 multi-copy Site management material for the Sales Team, Site management and building contractor's - over a 3 month period.

PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL. The design, artwork and print production of the Corporate Brochure and 18 two-sided A4 inserts - 14 of which were specific to house types including CGIs and Floor Plans - over a 2 month period.


INFORMATION CENTRE. The design, artwork and print production management of the Sales & Information Centre including exterior design, interior wall posters of house types, logos and Site Plans - over a 2 month period.

DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS. The design and artwork of the Company's 112 page A3 Proposal Document for the use of new development sites including house types, ecological and sustainability statements - over an 10 day period.

PRESS ADS. Copywriting, typography, design and artwork for local and National Press ads - over a 3 week period.

ESTATE AGENTS. Copywriting, typography, design and artwork for in-house material including Showcards, Wall posters and Counter coverings (CGI site images).

OTHER PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL. The design and conceptual artwork for new home 'Welcome Folder' packs with 18 information inserts and items, branded company 'site' cars, carrier bags, mugs, pens, sales staff name badges, Christmas cards and creation and production of a Corporate Manual CD.